Monday, 3 November 2008

Audacity of Hope

One of my biggest hopes at the moment is that Barack Obama is not elected President tomorrow. I think it would be a travesty for our country. His position on abortion was the first reason I couldn't vote for him. But in his campaign, which I have witnessed through the biased, left wing eyes of the British media, I have gotten to know this junior senator. Not many knew him very well when he began. He didn't have very long legislative track record, albeit the most liberal in the senate. He doesn't have much more of a legislative track record a year or so into the campaign. But he has shown us who he is. The question is, do we have the audacity to believe him? He has a history of breaking promises: public campaign financing and the $250k magically becoming $200k in the super expensive Obama-mercial. He has said flat out that he wants to redistribute wealth. He wants the rich guys (including himself?) to pay for the handouts to those who earn less. He doesn't see a place for government to trust individuals to keep as much of their earnings as possible so that as individuals they can decide which charities should benefit from their donation. Under Obama's tax plan, I'm not going to have very muc hextra to donate to something like Birthright. What's more abhorrent to me is that my tax dollars stolen by Obama can go to Planned Parenthood, etc.
I've heard the disturbing news about Obama leading in the polls. I have the Audacity to Hope that he is not given the power to enact his agenda, which will Change America for sure.
I won't mind waking up in France Wednesday morning. I will mind learning that the elction went to Obama and that America will become as socialist, if not more than, France and the UK. I like working in Europe for now. I'm pretty darn lucky to have this opportunity. But I cannot support socialism in America.


Lipstick said...

I am watching the news coverage now and it is "mathematically impossible" for McCain to win.

I feel sick. I am about to take a Zofran and go to bed. No kidding.

Domestic Kate said...

I wish I had had some Zofran on Tuesday night! :)

Kellie said...

My Zofran moment came when CNN didn't attibute the drop in the stock market on Wednesday and Thursday to lack of confidence in the president-elect. You know they would have done that if McCain had won.