Thursday, 16 October 2008

Why do I support him? and her?

Earlier this week I began a heated discussion with some friends about the upcoming election in the United States. I wrote this explanation of some of the reasons I have chosen to support John McCain and Sarah Palin.Hopefully we can keep the discussion going.
There are lots of reasons that I support John McCain. I’ll frame them in light of an essential American Document.

The Declaration of Independence establishes that one duty of government is to secure at least three unalienable rights: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
My support for John McCain is quite simple. He stands for the Right to Life of an unborn child. So does his running mate, Sarah Palin. Barack Obama does not. Nor does Joe Biden.

For the purposes of a short discussion, let’s take liberty to mean an individual’s freedom that extends as far as any other person’s freedom. I’m a Republican, which means that I believe in small government. Big government that Democrats including Barack Obama want infringes on the liberty of individuals. John McCain believes in reducing the size and scope of government.

On the issue of Pursuit of Happiness, government should protect our right to make ourselves happy. The government is not responsible for making us happy. Everyone does not have the right to own a huge house with all of the modern conveniences with a brand new SUV and a sports car in the garage. People who work hard to earn a salary to afford such nice things are free to buy them if that’s what makes them happy. It is not the responsibility of government to give handouts in the form of welfare to people who won’t work. John McCain believes that welfare recipients should be required to work 40 hours per week. I believe this, too. It’s not right that I should work hard, spending time away from my family and friends to pay income tax that is funnelled to people who refuse to work. I work hard for my money, and so should everyone else who has the physical ability to do so.

I believe that John McCain and Sarah Palin are the best option for the United States of America. I believe that Barack Obama and Joe Biden will erode the principles of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness upon which the United States of America was founded.

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