Friday, 31 October 2008

Got any CHANGE?

What is up with the Obama-mercial? Y'all please correct me if I'm wrong. He spent a ton of money to speak to America for half an hour in prime time. He got that money because he broke his promise to use public campaign financing.
Is anyone else thinking that Obama should take some of his own medicine? I mean, wouldn't all that money be better spent if he REDISTRIBUTED it to all of the needy people in America, or even the world? And since he wants the government to control how a major portion of my hard earned money is spent, I think it's only fair that I should be able to tell him how he spends his millions. But wait a minute, individual freedom is sacrifieced for the good of the collective in his socialist-in-democrat's-clothing-ideology. So what I think doesn't really matter.
And getting back to broken promises, how did the $250k salary threshold magically change to $200k?
What other campaign promises will he break? Maybe he'll decide to reduce the size of the government. Maybe he'll make sure that people who have worked hard for their success are not punished financially. Maybe he will appoint judges to overturn Roe v Wade. Maybe he'll make sure that we stay in Iraq to help stabilize the country until our presence is no longer needed.
But the way I see it, he has proven that he is a professional campaigner who cannot be trusted. The United States will have him as president at the peril of the American Dream.

Thursday, 16 October 2008


Recently I was called a racist (tongue in cheek, I think) because I support a white candidate for president and not a black candidate. All joking aside, I thought this was a pretty serious issue. I support a candidate based on his or her stance on the issues. I would never vote for someone based on the color of his or her skin. I think that the racists are those who do vote for someone based on skin color. And anyone who would vote for someone just because they are a man or a woman is a sexist.

But I want to get beyond the name calling. The bigger issue here is THE ISSUES. People need to think through the issues and choose an appropriate candidate. I wish the perfect candidate existed. No one person has a platform with which I completely agree. I'm completely behind McCain when it comes to abortion. And I like his suggestion that the governement should get out of the banking industry once the economy has stabilized. But do I really think that he will do that? Even if he does, it's a bit like shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted.

When it comes to Obama's health care plan, I'm completely against it. But I don't think McCain's plan is very good, either. Paying for the $5000 credit by counting the employer's contribution to health insurance as taxable income doesn't seem like it will end up helping people to pay for health care. In the end, it's as socialist as Barack Obama's 'Spread the Wealth Around' mantra. The people with higher incomes that include the money paid by their employers will be funding the hand-out, uh, I mean tax credit, from the government.

So in the end, I'm left to make my decision based on what I think is the most important responsibilty of governement: to protect it's people. Especially those who can't protect themselves.

Why do I support him? and her?

Earlier this week I began a heated discussion with some friends about the upcoming election in the United States. I wrote this explanation of some of the reasons I have chosen to support John McCain and Sarah Palin.Hopefully we can keep the discussion going.
There are lots of reasons that I support John McCain. I’ll frame them in light of an essential American Document.

The Declaration of Independence establishes that one duty of government is to secure at least three unalienable rights: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
My support for John McCain is quite simple. He stands for the Right to Life of an unborn child. So does his running mate, Sarah Palin. Barack Obama does not. Nor does Joe Biden.

For the purposes of a short discussion, let’s take liberty to mean an individual’s freedom that extends as far as any other person’s freedom. I’m a Republican, which means that I believe in small government. Big government that Democrats including Barack Obama want infringes on the liberty of individuals. John McCain believes in reducing the size and scope of government.

On the issue of Pursuit of Happiness, government should protect our right to make ourselves happy. The government is not responsible for making us happy. Everyone does not have the right to own a huge house with all of the modern conveniences with a brand new SUV and a sports car in the garage. People who work hard to earn a salary to afford such nice things are free to buy them if that’s what makes them happy. It is not the responsibility of government to give handouts in the form of welfare to people who won’t work. John McCain believes that welfare recipients should be required to work 40 hours per week. I believe this, too. It’s not right that I should work hard, spending time away from my family and friends to pay income tax that is funnelled to people who refuse to work. I work hard for my money, and so should everyone else who has the physical ability to do so.

I believe that John McCain and Sarah Palin are the best option for the United States of America. I believe that Barack Obama and Joe Biden will erode the principles of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness upon which the United States of America was founded.


This is the first blog I've ever written. It's taken me a long time to join the Blog universe because I haven't had that much to say semi-publicly... until now. Also, in the past, I had a dissertation to write, so that kinda took precedence over rambling on the inter webs. Now I'm still as busy as ever, but maybe I'll take advantage of some down time to share my thoughts. We'll see how long this lasts.
Not that I expect anyone will find my thoughts terribly interesting. I've been inspired by the blogs of two friends, Lipstick at the Mailbox and Domestic Kate. I think that their posts are really good. And if anyone has any comments on my posts, I'd love to hear what you think.
So, why have I called this thing "Girl in the Yella Coat?" Well, I've been wearing my bright yellow trench coat recently. You can't miss me when I've got it on. It really is like a ray of sunshine, which we can often use in Newcastle. And I've purposefully misspelled yellow to reflect my Southern accent, because y'all know that's how I really talk. Especially when I'm around my close friends.
Some people have themes for their blog. At the moment I have no theme. Maybe I'll come up with one. But in the beginning, you might notice that I'll discuss the upcoming election in the United States. That's what I'm fired up about at the moment. And that will probably change in a month or so.
So please leave your comments. And for all of you seasoned bloggers, please forgive me if I make any blogging faux pas. I'm a newbie. I'll try to catch on. So here goes.